Embark on a journey of resilience, determination, and success.

My Forever Living journey

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Like the aloe vera plant that stands strong in the harshest conditions, my story is one of resilience and determination.

Born into the Forever family, I grew up witnessing the power of Forever Living through my mum, Deborah Lloyd.

Through her unyielding effort and full belief in Forever Living products over the years, she built a global distribution network and became the UK's No.1 Forever Business Owner.

This allowed her to spread the benefits of countless well-loved wellness products.

She took me under her wing and taught me how to start a Forever Living Business.

Unfortunately, my life took a devastating turn in 2016 when my mum was diagnosed with breast cancer. 

This was an incredibly difficult time, but I had learned how to prevail through challenges from my mum.

I was inspired both by my mum's relentless spirit during her illness, and the life-changing impacts of Forever's health and nutrition products. 

Using this fuel, I decided to take my health into my own hands and transform my life from being overweight, to embarking on an astonishing journey of becoming a long-distance runner.

Charity Endurance Challenges

I’ve have since run several charity races including a 100km ultramarathon to raise money and awareness for breast cancer.

Sadly, my mum passed away in 2021, and her Forever Living Business was entrusted to me. 

Where I’ve stepped up as a true leader at Forever Living to join Forever Living UK and transitioned into my new role as a business owner with passion and determination.

I am not only a testament to the transformative power of Forever products, but I would like to hope also to be a beacon of hope for others trying to overcome unexpected obstacles in life.

I will continue to carry on the legacy of my mum’s life work by spreading health and positivity through Forever Living.

My Invitation To You

We're excited to invite you on this journey with us. We encourage you to follow your passion just like Felix and to join Forever Living UK to help us on our mission of making the world a healthier place.

You could become a business owner just like me and write your own success story, because the Forever Living business opportunity is open to anyone bold enough to reach out and take it.

Check Out These Forever Living Products Below

Forever Freedom

Achy joints, swollen knees, stiffness and general discomfort is something countless people live with.

Some statistics have shown as many as 1 in 3 adults experience joint pain regularly, clearly pointing to just how rampant this issue is.

Older people are more prone to suffering from joint issues, but we're also starting to see joint discomfort crop up in an increasing amount of young people too.

Having painful joints can be completely debilitating and it's a health concern that urgently needs better preventative measures.

Though general public interest in health and wellness has been growing at a rapid rate in recent years, the question of joint health is unfortunately usually overlooked until it's a first-hand painful experience.

By taking care of our joints better and sooner, both young and old people can enjoy pain free movement and greater vitality.

There are a few things that determine joint health that are out of our control, but one thing that can make a big impact is nutrition.

Nutrition is a valuable tool we can all use to make the most out of our physical circumstances.

While it won't fix broken bones, turn back time or magically fix us overnight, it can give us a big helping hand at reducing inflammation and nourishing the body with the nutrients it needs for repair.

What science has shown us time and time again is that one of the most effective foods for this is the humble yet powerful plant, aloe vera.

We created our aloe-based product Forever Freedom to capture the pure unadulterated joint healing properties of aloe vera alongside a handful of other natural joint-supportive ingredients.

Customers can use Forever Freedom from FLP as a proactive solution to take their joint health and physical mobility back into their own hands.

The benefits of forever freedom are empowering and have already changed the life of countless customers all over the world.

The Many Healing Effects of Aloe Vera
The star ingredient of Forever Freedom from FLP is aloe vera.

Aloe vera is a cactus-like plant grown in hot subtropical regions in various places all over the world, but its original home is in western Asia.

It has a number of unique properties that have made it useful for both topical use and internal consumption for centuries.

The inside of the leaves of the aloe vera plant contain a thick citrusy-tasting gel which is where a majority of the beneficial nutrients are stored.

This what helps to give our Forever Freedom gel drink its great taste. Judging from our Forever Freedom aloe vera drinking gel reviews, customers can't get enough of this sweet and nourishing health drink.

Aloe vera is rich in 75 different bioactive components. It contains 20 minerals and 12 vitamins as well as enzymes, sugars, lignin, saponins, amino acids and salicylic acid.

These substances give aloe vera incredible properties that can help with joint health, skin appearance, wound healing, gut health. immune activity and more.

Aloe vera is anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, and rich in antioxidants.

It's truly hard to come by a substance quite so nourishing as aloe vera, and its knack for improving joint health made it essential to include in our formulation of an ideal joint repair product in our forever aloe freedom drink.

Why Are Joint Issues so Common?

The reason joint issues are such a major issue is complex, but it partially just comes down to the structure of the body.

Joints occur at any point in the body when multiple bones attach, and the bones need to be able to move around from this fixed joined area.

This means joints are much more structurally vulnerable than areas of solid bone or muscle.

Joints are made up of bones as well as connective tissue like cartilage, tendons, and ligaments. Some also contain synovial fluid and a joint capsule.

They're complicated and often delicate areas of anatomy. To make matters worse, force from physical activity, everyday tasks or accidents tend to put stress on joints.

This can cause wear and tear or even a serious immediate injury.

Poor movement patterns are one of the most common preventable reasons for degenerative joint problems.

When people don't engage proper posture and muscular engagement, too much pressure is instead placed on the joints in ways they aren't designed for.

This fact along with the increasing number of nutrient-poor diets, being overweight, inflammatory diseases and sedentary lifestyles are all reasons why joint issues are popping up more and more and in younger and younger people.

Forever Freedom aloe vera juice is needed now more than ever before.

How Forever Freedom Can Help

While aloe vera isn't a miracle substance that can magically resolve any joint issue, it can be a powerful substance for healing along with regular exercise, a healthy diet, and general care from a healthcare practitioner.

Aloe vera has an immediate cooling effect when applied topically which can help ease physical pain, but it also reduces pain from the inside out with its anti-inflammatory properties.

Many joint issues stem from auto-immune conditions like arthritis which causes inflammation, swelling and pain in the joints.

Forever Freedom from FLP tackles this issue head on. Aloe vera has a unique fatty acid contained in the aloe called arachidonic acid.

This compound inhibits inflammatory pathways and has been well-studied under laboratory conditions for improving joint pain.

Additionally, Forever Aloe Freedom contains a number of nutrients that can upregulate the ever-essential connective tissue: collagen. Collagen is needed for healthy joints as well as healthy skin and muscles.

Forever Freedom aloe vera juice's ingredients are thought to stimulate special cells called fibroblasts which take part in actually building collagen proteins. This means aloe vera creates cell renewal for healthier and stronger joints.

Though aloe vera is quite remarkable on its own, Forever Freedom contains a few other clever ingredients that support good joint health. Forever Freedom also contains glucosamine, chondroitin and MSM.

Glucosamine has been shown to help reduce joint pain and stiffness for people with osteoarthritis, and chondroitin is important for preserving and repairing cartilage in joints.

MSM is another popular joint health supplement that can support cartilage production.

It provides some of the building block materials needed for healthy joints, and it also promotes the production of fluids needed for comfortable movement in joints with a synovial fluid joint capsule.

Whether or not you're suffering from joint health issues today, taking care of your body through preventative measures can help ensure you can live a long, pain-free and active life.

Aloe vera can help preserve your joint function, reduce pain and perhaps even do some repair work so you feel like a younger version of yourself again.

Forever Aloe Cooling Lotion

Relieve your achy joints and sore muscles with an all-natural approach: Forever Aloe Cooling Lotion. 

This quick absorbing lotion can soothe pain and inflammation, speed up muscle recovery, and leave you feeling revitalised.

Lotion that delivers the pain relief you need.

• Cooling sensation

• Non-greasy formula

• Relaxing scent

• Enhances circulation

• Vegetarian and vegan friendly

• Gluten free

Aloe vera's potent healing properties deliver in this brand new Forever Cooling Gel for pain relief.

It uses pure inner leaf aloe vera gel of the highest quality combined with menthol, eucalyptus, camphor and MSM (Methyl Sulfonyl Methane).

Whether your hard working muscles need a high quality natural recovery solution for after the gym, or if your feet and joints are sore after a long day, Forever Aloe Cooling Lotion can make a world of difference.

Forever Cooling Lotion provides instant and long-lasting relief.

The Magic's in the Aloe Vera

Aloe vera has a long history of healing going back thousands of years. It has potent anti-inflammatory properties that can relieve pain when applied to the skin.

Many people think of aloe vera as a topical treatment for burns, skin irritation, and wounds, but its effects are more than skin deep.

It certainly has skin healing and protective qualities, but it's anti-inflammatory and pain relief qualities can penetrate beneath the skin into the muscles and joints below.

Aloe vera is what's known as a natural analgesic. Analgesics are substances that treat pain for anything from migraines to arthritis to injuries.

There are different types of analgesics that work in entirely separate ways.

Opioid analgesics for example alter the brain's perception of pain to make it milder. In some scenarios this may be necessary, but of course it doesn't come free of consequences.

Aloe vera's analgesic mode of action on the other hand works to reduce inflammation which directly lessens the body's pain response.

It does this because of the glycoprotein molecules it contains, and these special molecules also help speed up tissue recovery which is beneficial for both post-gym muscle repair or injury recovery.

Because of all this, aloe vera offers a completely natural and risk-free way to treat joint pain, back pain, or general muscle soreness.

It's a holistic approach that addresses root causes instead of bypassing them for simple pain relief.

As amazing as aloe vera is on its own, the Forever Cooling Lotion also contains additional ingredients that compliment its methods of action to make the product even more effective.

How Natural Ingredients Can Provide Effective Relief

One of the other key ingredients in Forever Aloe Cooling Lotion is menthol.

Menthol is a natural substance found in plants from the mint family. It's what gives mint its unique cooling sensation on the tongue, and it offers a similar effect when applied topically.

Menthol provides a refreshing sensation on the skin and acts as an anti-irritant.

The cooling sensation on the skin is paired with a revitalising almost mint-like aroma from its vapours, making it a soothing ingredient within the Aloe Cooling Lotion formulation.

Camphor is another interesting ingredient added to introduce specific benefits to the final product.

It can be sourced from the wood of a type of evergreen tree native to Eastern Asia, and it's often used in skincare for its pain relieving abilities.

It can reduce itchiness from bug bites, redness from burns and general pain by stimulating nerves. However, unlike aloe vera, this ingredient isn't recommended for use on broken skin.

A third special natural ingredient addition to Forever Cooling Lotion is eucalyptus oil.

Eucalyptus is commonly used as a health remedy for a few different purposes.

It can relieve congestion, improve oral health, and most importantly, it can treat pain joint and muscle pain. 

It increases circulation which eases tired muscles and allows them to be replenished with nutrients and oxygen for optimal recovery. Similarly to menthol, it also provides a cooling sensation on the skin which can further relieve pain by distraction.

These three ingredients alongside aloe vera are combined with rosemary extract and MSM (Methyl Sulfonyl Methane) which can even further reduce muscle soreness and joint pain.

Studies have shown that MSM can lessen muscle pain after workouts, repair muscle damage, and mitigate oxidative stress, making it a must-have ingredient for any regular gym-goer.

The rosemary extract assists with pain relief, but it also adds a wonderful aroma and offers benefits to the skin.

The result of all these powerful natural ingredients is a potent Forever Cooling Lotion perfect for post-exercise pain relief, endurance training recovery, and gym recovery.

You'll want to keep this handy for after workouts or for part of your regular wind-down evening routine.  

Experience Muscle Relief Instantly

Forever Aloe Cooling Lotion is formulated to be massaged easily into the skin and to be absorbed quickly with no greasy residue. 

It provides a pleasing initial cooling sensation followed by a sense of relief as the lotion penetrates into the skin, muscles and joints. The invigorating menthol and eucalyptus vapours contribute to the calming experience.

Simply toss a bottle in your sports bag for pain relief on the go, or have it ready for an invigorating massage at home after a hard day at work.

It will quickly take your mind off your discomfort and transport you into a world of bliss.

Rubbing over the soles of sore feet, on tired legs, a painful back, a stiff neck, or overworked muscles can completely change your day and enhance your sleep quality.

It's always a challenge to focus on daily tasks when chronic pain is present, and soreness in the evening can make it impossible to fall asleep.

This one simple solution can offer better holistic health, simply by allowing you to get back to feeling like yourself.

Forever Cooling Lotion is just the latest topical lotion in the Forever line (100+ products) of Aloe Vera health and nutrition drinks, nutritional supplements, skin care and beauty care products that are excellent for supporting active lifestyles and whole body health.

Forever Aloe Cooling Lotion has the International Aloe Science Council; the Kosher and Halal Seals of Approval and is gluten free.

Forever Fibre & Forever Plant Protein

Forever Fibre and Forever Plant Protein are both fantastic products all on their own, but what they can accomplish together is even more impressive.

Their complimentary effects can support muscle growth, gut health and joint health in an incomparably convenient way.

This combo makes for an ideal fuss-free total dietary support option for athletes, and everyday people alike.

Fill in your nutritional gaps with high quality natural protein, premium soluble fibre and healing aloe vera to fuel yourself for life.

The Benefits:

Improve Digestion, Support Joint Health, and Build Lean Muscle Mass

● 5 grams of fibre per packet of Forever Fibre
● 17 grams of protein per serving of Forever Plant Protein
● Vegan friendly
● Gluten free

Protein and Fibre are Essential for Vitality

The Facts on Fibre

It's no secret that most people don't meet their daily recommended fibre intake. 

This essential nutrient is not only needed for proper digestion, but it also can play an important role in blood pressure regulation, heart health, hormone balance and more.

Fibre is found in fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts and seeds, but most people are still well under consuming what they need to thrive.

Fibre is more easily found on a whole foods diet, but even then it can be difficult to meet your goals.

Adding in a simple dietary supplement like Forever Fibre is the easiest way to bump up a lacklustre diet, and it can even take an already well balanced diet to the next level.

Just one packet can boost your intake with 5 grams of premium soluble fibre.

With a recommended intake of 30 grams per day for the average adult, this can make a significant difference.

The benefits of Forever Fibre can quickly impact your life for the better in a way few food supplements can.

The Facts on Protein

Protein is another essential nutrient, and this one falls under the category of macronutrients alongside carbohydrates and fat. Protein is a source of energy for the body, but it does so much more than that.

Every cell in the human body actually contains protein.

It's necessary for strong muscles, healthy bones, energy metabolism, hormone production and countless other roles.

Without enough dietary protein, you're likely to experience brittle hair and nails, a poorly functioning immune system, loss of muscle mass, low energy, increase in fat mass, and even mood changes.

Even though protein is so incredibly essential for wellbeing, most adults aren't regularly consuming enough of it.

This is because highly processed convenience foods have become a large part of the average standard diet, and they're often high in carbohydrates and fat, but poor sources of protein.

Like fibre, protein is abundant in whole food sources, but many people struggle to prepare enough home-cooked protein-rich food.

Many people also simply crave carbohydrate heavy foods instead of protein dense ones because that's what their palate is accustomed to. 

Vegans and vegetarians in particular are at higher risk of under consuming protein, so having options available like vegan protein shakes can be immeasurably helpful.

Thankfully, Forever Plant Protein makes it easy to fill in the protein gap without needing to drastically alter one's diet.

You can easily make Forever Plant Protein Shakes as a meal replacement or snack, or you can incorporate Forever Plant Protein into foods you already know and love.

The benefits of plant protein from forever living are something practically anyone could use, and the product itself is kosher, halal, vegan, soy-free, and dairy-free so it fits seamlessly into almost any lifestyle.

It's also a fantastic keto plant protein option since it's low in carbohydrates.

Eating a balanced healthy diet doesn't have to be complicated. With the help of Forever Plant Protein and Forever Fibre, you can have health, convenience and great flavour all at once.

Why I Love Our Forever Fibre and Forever Plant Protein Together

Some things are just better together, and I firmly believe Forever Fibre and Forever Plant Protein fall squarely into that category. 

Many people struggle to keep up with several supplements or powders in a day, so using just these two together as your complete routine makes it easy to stay consistent.

This combination also tastes great together! Forever Fibre is flavourless, and Forever Plant Protein has a delicious vanilla flavour that goes well in countless recipes.

They're both grit-free and easily dissolved into either hot or cold liquids which makes them extremely easy to use.

Customers have enjoyed making Forever Plant Protein shakes with added fibre, or else mixing the two supplements into smoothies, yoghurt bowls, baking recipes, pancakes, hot drinks, iced coffees or teas, and even fruit juices!

Any dish or drink where a subtle hint of vanilla would be tasty is usually a safe bet.

Aside from this combination being delicious and convenient, there are a few other specific reasons why Forever Fibre and Forever Plant Protein are such a dynamic duo.

Fibre and Protein Together Create A Powerful Hunger Crushing Combo

Perhaps the most popular reason to turn to dietary health supplements is for weight loss. Many people struggle to maintain a healthy weight with modern lifestyles, and many more still struggle to shed their extra pounds.

This is because of the abundance of highly processed foods laden in sugar and fat in the modern diet. They make it incredibly easy to over consume calories, and having an unequal balance of energy in to energy out leads to weight gain.

The solution to this is to eat a more wholesome diet with filling and satisfying nutrients. You don't have to dramatically decrease your portion sizes and go hungry to eat less calories; simply consuming more fibre and protein is an easy way to provide energy and satiety without excess energy.

Additionally, protein can help preserve lean muscle mass so any weight loss is coming directly from fat stores. Getting enough protein isn't just for gym rats looking to gain strength, it's also one of the best secret weapons for weight loss.

Protein and Fibre are Complementary Nutrients

A final reason why Forever Fibre and Forever Plant Protein are such a genius combination is because of the complementary nature of fibre and protein. 

I'm sure you've heard before that you need to eat a varied diet, and there's a good reason why.

Different foods have vastly different nutrient profiles, so consuming a variety of them generally ensures you have all your bases covered.

High protein foods for example generally lack fibre, particularly ones that come from animal sources. Conversely, many high fibre foods such as fruits, vegetables and even nuts and seeds are also usually low in protein.

This means protein and fibre aren't easy to find from a single food source, but they complement one another to provide a well-rounded range of benefits.

Fibre is excellent for gut health, normal digestion, blood pressure and more, while protein helps with metabolic health and regular hormone levels.

In Summary...

I strongly believe in the value of both Forever Fibre and Forever Plant Protein, but the innumerable positive effects they can have together makes their pairing something you won't want to miss out on.

You're only 2 daily scoops away from a stronger, more energetic and resilient body. It's high time you invest in yourself and buy Forever Living Plant Protein and Fibre.

Aloe Vera Gelly & Forever Propolis Cream

Dry skin is one of the most common skin issues, yet many people still find it incredibly difficult to solve.

Dry skin can make fine wrinkles more apparent, can disrupt the natural skin barrier, and it can even lead to painful and irritated skin.

If you live in a dry climate, or if you're naturally susceptible to drier skin, the combination of Forever Aloe Vera Gelly and Forever Bee Propolis Cream will be a lifesaver.

This potent and healing combination can quickly take your skin from dull and lifeless to vibrant and healthy. It's safe for use on the face, hands, feet or body, so no area needs to go dry. 

Find out all the multipurpose benefits of these two superfood containing lotions, and why they're better together below.

Hydration Like You've Never Seen Before

● Naturally healing ingredients
● Anti-inflammatory and soothing
● Improves skin texture
● Doesn't stain clothes
● Gluten-free

Dry Skin Is About Much More Than Just Appearances

While dry skin may sound like an insignificant issue to some people, it can snowball into a whole plethora of other skin complications.

This is because of something known as the skin barrier. The skin barrier consists of cells on the outermost layer of skin and the lipid-containing intercellular space in between them. 

This barrier serves the essential function of keeping out harmful microbes and other foreign substances.

It protects not only the skin, but the entirety of the body by acting as a shield of sorts against the outside world. When someone has dry skin however, the natural function of the skin barrier is impaired.

This is because dry skin doesn't actually refer to a lack of water in the skin, but rather a lack of oil necessary for intercellular barrier function.

A side effect of a lack of oil however is moisture (water) loss, dehydrated and dry looking skin, a dull complexion, wrinkles and generally perceived older skin, as well as the potential for acne and autoimmune dysfunction in the form of rashes or eczema.

These more serious complications could not only mean discoloured skin with uneven texture, but also genuine physical discomfort. This situation can arise on the face, but also any other area of the body prone to dryness.

Places that face friction from sports are also highly susceptible to becoming dry, compromised, and prone to bacterial or fungal infections.

Thankfully, Forever Living products with aloe vera gelly can be the simplest and most effective solution.

Forever Aloe Vera Gelly benefits are well-established not only for repairing dry skin, but also for creating a smooth and vibrant complexion in all types of skin.

Why Forever Aloe Vera Gelly and Forever Bee Propolis Cream?

There is certainly no shortage of moisturising creams and gels available on the market, but what still tends to be missing are ones that truly work.

Many commonly used moisturising agents simply cover up the problem of dry skin by adding an oily sheen that doesn't absorb, or else it only adds moisture very temporarily and leaves the skin just as dry as before.

Aloe vera and bee propolis stand apart from these quick fixes. They're both deeply nourishing ingredients with complex components that react beautifully with the skin.

They absorb well without a greasy finish, and they deliver a host of soothing, skin healing and even antimicrobial properties that not only restore moisture, but also repair the natural skin barrier and protect it from future moisture loss.

Forever Living products with aloe vera gelly get to the root of the problem and provide long-lasting solutions for changing skin texture rather than covering it up.

Diving Deeper Into The Benefits
Aloe Vera

Aloe vera gel is not only one of the best ingredients you can use on your skin, but Forever products also contain the best aloe vera gel available with award winning quality. 

It's hand harvested and used at optimal potency within Forever's Aloe Vera Gelly product.

Forever Aloe Vera Gelly can heal dry and irritated skin and offer an immediate soothing and cooling effect on inflammation.

It also has antiseptic properties that help prevent infection on compromised skin. This means it's incredibly safe to use on all skin types and for essentially all types of skin ailments.

Aloe vera heals skin through a handful of natural effects. It draws moisture into the skin because it contains molecules that are humectants. This provides moisture and plumpness while also giving relief to dry itching skin.

On top of this, aloe also contains polysaccharides and gibberellins that promote cellular regeneration. It can increase skin healing and provide a dose of nutrients needed for repair.

It's rich in vitamin C and vitamin E in particular, both of which are powerful antioxidants that fight skin damage caused by free radicals. This can result in smoother and fresher looking skin.

Forever Aloe Vera Gelly Benefits are multipurpose and give noticeable effects within just a short period of time.

Bee Propolis

Though many of Forever's products are centred around aloe vera because of its countless skin benefits, bee propolis is another powerful natural ingredient that shouldn't be overlooked in skincare.

Bee propolis is a resin-like substance made by honeybees to seal in cracks in their hives. It has antimicrobial properties that protect the honeybees, and it can do similar things for skin.

The texture of the bee propolis also has protective effects because it helps contribute to the natural skin barrier that physically traps and keeps harmful substances out.

Bee propolis has other benefits beyond protection, it also has mild exfoliating effects from polyphenols that help to slough off dead skin cells. This is great for preventing breakouts and also unveiling smooth, bright, and healthy looking skin.

This along with bee propolis's bacteria-fighting abilities make it a fantastic option for acne-prone skin. It's even known to unclog congested pores to provide even more acne relief. Its benefits are limited to acne however.

Many people who use bee propolis notice younger looking skin more its rich fatty acid profile and abundance of antioxidants.

The overall effect is clear, smooth, bright and hydrated skin. This ingredient can restore skin balance regardless of your skin type, and it almost acts as a one-size-fits-all solution to most skin troubles.

A Magic Combination

If you're impressed by what aloe vera and bee propolis can accomplish individually, you'll be even more amazed by what they can do together.

Though they're both incredibly moisturising, they have other differing and complimentary effects you won't want to miss. The gentle exfoliation of bee propolis will make your skin bright, and the regenerative abilities of aloe will restore silky soft skin.

Whether you struggle with dryness and inflammation, or if you just want your skin to look its absolute best, you need the magic duo of Forever Bee Propolis Cream and Aloe Vera Gelly in your routine.

Argi Plus & Aloe Vera Gel

Do you find yourself struggling to make it through intense workouts, or perhaps even struggling to find the energy to be physically active at all?

L-arginine is an amino acid supplement well loved by athletes for tackling this problem head on while also contributing to better overall health.

Combining Forever's L-arginine product ARGI+ with the most classic of Forever Living products (aloe vera gel), is an intelligent way to synergistically take your daily energy to a whole new level.

The Forever Aloe Vera Gel Mini's are the perfect convenient size to pair up with a packet of ARGI+ for the ultimate energy giving drink.

Midday energy crashes, lacklustre workouts and general fatigue can be a thing of the past with just a little nutritional health optimization from Forever Living.

The Forever Living Argi Plus price could be the small entryway ticket to a happier, more productive and fitter you.

The Ultimate Wellness Boosting Combo

● Five grams of L-arginine per serving
● A healthy dose of B-vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin D, and folic acid
● Bright berry flavour with added antioxidant-rich fruit extracts
● Enzymes, minerals, amino acids, and vitamins from aloe vera gel
● Gluten-free

Nutrition That Can Keep Up With Your Busy Schedule

If you're a high performing person, you need fuel that works just as hard as you do. Whether you want to put in extra effort at work, at home, at the gym, or perhaps towards all of the above: these will require significant amounts of energy.

Unfortunately, many people are depleted in essential nutrients that help turn food into fuel via energy metabolism. Things like poor dietary habits, a high stress lifestyle and even poor gut health can all contribute to this and cause a general lack of energy.

Converting food into energy is a complex process that requires several assisting vitamins and minerals.

These can often be the missing piece for anyone who feels tired no matter what they eat and how much they sleep.

Thankfully Forever Living Argi Plus and Forever Living Aloe Vera Gel benefits can help restore these essential nutrients to encourage an optimally functioning metabolic system.

Best of all, you don't need to chase down each singular nutrient that plays a role in metabolism and then figure out what food sources can replete it.

Instead, you can streamline your daily nutrient optimization into a simple 2-step regime of ARGI+ and Aloe Gel.

Both Forever Living Argi Plus and Aloe Gel are equally hard working supplements jam packed with nutrition to fuel your day.

Better yet, the L-arginine amino acid and vitamins in ARGI+ compliment the minerals, antioxidants and enzymes in aloe juice. Each one can increase the benefits of the other and create an overall well-balanced and powerful nutritive effect.

Forever Living Argi Plus benefits are not only impressive, but the product also has a delicious berry flavour that customers always enjoy.

Forever Living aloe juice has a mild slightly citrusy taste, so the two of them pair well together as is or mixed into other drinks or foods. 

Many customers enjoy using these products in smoothies, yoghurt bowls, or alongside the Forever Fast Break Bar as a small meal with plenty of protein and fibre.

Hydration, Oxygenation and A Chemical-Free Energy Buzz

So how exactly do ARGI+ and aloe juice work to restore energy? There are a few reasons that explain how they have such a beneficial effect.


The first explanation for ARGI+ and aloe's energy boosting abilities is simple hydration. Many people walk around chronically dehydrated. 

In fact, some studies cite that as many as 75% of adults well-under consume their recommended fluid intake and fall into this category.

While water is a great way to rehydrate, our bodies also require electrolytes like the ones in aloe juice for proper fluid balance and cellular functioning.

We lose electrolytes from regular activities, but especially from intense activities like exercise that involve sweating. Using aloe juice as replenishment can efficiently rehydrate to help restore energy before, after, or even during physical activity.

Oxygenation of Muscles

Another major benefit Forever Living Argi Plus and aloe juice can have towards energy levels has to do with their ability to increase oxygenation of muscles. 

When muscles are working, they require oxygen in order to break glucose (from food) into ATP (usable energy). Without adequate levels, they'll fatigue quickly and won't be as strong.

The L-arginine in ARGI+ directly helps this issue since it increases the production of nitric oxide (NO), which boosts blood flow to better deliver nutrients and oxygen to working muscles.

Additionally, the many b-vitamins present in ARGI+ also contribute to nitric oxide production, and they also promote red blood cell formation.

Red blood cells are important cells that house the oxygen molecules to be delivered to working muscles, so more blood cells means a greater capacity for oxygenation and energy output.

Short and Long Term Energy Boost

The few final ways ARGI+ and aloe juice can impact your energy play a role both in long term and short term energy. B-vitamins for example are a common ingredient in energy drinks for their almost immediate effects on improving energy metabolism. 

This means they help derive actual energy from food more efficiently.

Another interesting way ARGI+ and aloe juice can impact steady long-term energy has to do with their effects on blood sugar regulation and insulin production.

Several nutritional components in these supplements can increase insulin sensitivity, and this means the body is better able to bring glucose into the cells and use it for energy. 

It also means blood sugar will be more steady all day long, and there will be fewer spikes and energy crashes.

Increase Your Payoff at The Gym
Though energy is the main driver of effort and performance at the gym, there's a second half of the equation we can't forget.

Equally important to exercise itself is exercise recovery. ARGI+ and aloe juice are also able to help with this aspect of physical performance, and this can greatly increase your payoffs at the gym.

L-arginine and b-vitamins are both common supplements that have been shown to increase athletic performance. This can boost muscle stimulus during a workout and result in more rapid physical improvements.

On top of this, both ARGI+ and aloe juice are rich in vital antioxidants such as vitamin C which play a major role in muscle recovery.

Vitamin C is not only an inflammation fighting antioxidant, but it also increases the production of collagen which is an important component of muscle tissue, bones, skin and connective tissues.

This also helps the body recover and repair.

An Overall Health Booster You Won't Want to Skip

It's very clear that ARGI+ and aloe juice are a fantastic combination for improving energy, athletic performance and recovery; but in truth their advantages are far more broad than this.

Forever Living Argi Plus benefits also can potentially contribute to greater overall health and wellbeing.

This is because ARGI+ and Forever aloe vera juice contain nutrition that can potentially assist with blood pressure regulation, immune function, gut health, joint health and more. The Forever Living Argi Plus price is truly a drop in the bucket for the incredible payoff of one simple tool.

While supplements are never a replacement for a balanced healthy diet, and you should certainly speak with a healthcare professional for any specific health issues, ARGI+ and aloe juice can certainly be a powerful way to revitalise your wellbeing.

Forever Living Argi Plus reviews tell the tale of a life-changing supplement that can transform health, and we consider that feat to be priceless.

Forever Lite Ultra

Finally, a single-ingredient meal that's balanced, filling and tasty. Whether you're rushing off to work, fuelling up before the gym, or crushing hunger on the go, you can count on Forever Lite Ultra Vanilla to hit the spot. It also comes in Forever Lite

 Ultra Chocolate

Shake Up Your Diet with Naturally-Flavored Plant-Powered Protein

● 24 grams of protein per serving
● Balanced macronutrient profile
● Low-calorie
● Vegetarian and gluten-free
● Delicious mixed as a shake or in recipes

Forever Lite Ultra Vanilla Makes Good Nutrition Effortless

Do you find yourself racking your brain for healthy meal ideas only to end up falling back to your old standbys? 

As much as many of us dream of making all home-cooked wholesome meals from scratch, that's simply not a reality for most people.

It makes sense. You have countless other responsibilities to attend to, so food can't take up an unreasonable amount of time in your day. The good news is, you can have both balanced nutrition and convenience with the right products.

How easy would it be to grab a meal replacement shake that's ready in seconds for those busy stressful days? Instead of adding to your list of to-dos, your food should be a source of fuel, comfort, and ease.

Forever Living Products Ultra Lite does this and more. They make it possible to get your to-do list done while offering a host of Forever Living Ultra Lite benefits.

How To Use Forever Lite Ultra Vanilla

Forever Lite Ultra Vanilla shakes are the easiest recipe you'll ever make. All you need is one scoop of the meal replacement powder and 300 mL of liquid of your choice. It tastes great with regular, skim, soy, almond, hemp, coconut, or rice milk. 

It even mixes well with just water for a low-calorie and fuss-free option. Simply stir the powder in with a spoon for an instant grit-free and delicious shake. Some customers also love adding coffee or espresso and turning their shake into an iced latte.

If shakes aren't your style, Forever Lite Ultra Vanilla is also a fantastic addition to smoothies. Add a scoop to your favourite smoothie recipe for an extra boost of protein, vitamins, and minerals. It adds a subtle vanilla flavour and helps to slightly thicken the texture.

Forever Lite Ultra Vanilla's versatility doesn't end here, however. You can also easily incorporate this meal replacement powder into oatmeal, yogurt bowls, acai bowls, or even homemade baked goods to increase the protein content and fullness factor of your food.

It works especially well in pancakes, muffins and homemade protein bars.

Forever Lite Ultra Vanilla Nutrition

Forever Lite Ultra Vanilla is clearly effortless to prepare and tastes delicious, but better yet, it can support balanced health. It provides energy, protein as well as many vitamins and minerals.

The Scoop on Protein

A single 25-gram scoop of Forever Lite Ultra Vanilla packs in 13 grams of protein for under 100 calories. 

This makes it a great small snack for in-between meals or an ideal afternoon pick-me-up for when sweet cravings show up.

You can always adjust your serving size according to your required use since more substantial meals necessitate more calories.

Weight Loss

The macronutrient profile of Forever Lite Ultra Vanilla makes it a helpful tool for weight loss or healthy weight maintenance. 

It's low in carbohydrates and sugar while being a good source of protein. Consuming a high-protein diet is beneficial for maintaining muscle mass, reducing overeating, and optimizing your hormones for fat loss.

Blood Sugar Management

To go more in-depth, protein (along with fiber and fat) slows down digestion which means sugar from carbohydrates is released into the bloodstream much slower. This can potentially reduce incidences of high blood sugar spikes which are linked to weight gain if they occur often enough at significant levels.

Muscle Mass

Protein's nutritional benefits don't end here! Protein is made up of amino acids which are the building blocks of muscle tissue. In other words, the body needs enough protein to repair sore muscles after a workout and build them back bigger and stronger. 

Having enough muscle mass makes it far easier to maintain a healthy body fat percentage, and it's also one of the biggest indicators of health and longevity in older adults.

With all these benefits considered, it's still important to note that not all protein is created equal. A majority of the protein from Forever Lite Ultra Vanilla comes from soy isolate. Soy is one of the best sources of plant protein available because it contains a balanced ratio of 9 essential amino acids.

Additionally, Forever Ultra Lite Vanilla contains a protein complex called Aminotein which contains amino acids that are especially helpful for repairing damaged tissue.

This could be beneficial for athletes, casual gym-goers, and even people recovering from wounds or surgery. Forever Lite Ultra with Aminotein is the secret ingredient you need to enhance your physical performance and well-being.
Vitamins and Minerals

On top of the energy and macronutrients Forever Lite Ultra provides, it's also an excellent source of micronutrients.

It contains vitamins A, D, C, B6, B12, copper zinc and selenium. Many of these nutrients are essential for energy production, and all of them play a role in proper immune function.

Many people are deficient or have sub-optimal levels of vitamin D, especially in the winter months. Fortification of vitamin D in products like Forever Lite Ultra Vanilla may help restore these levels, and this can have a profound impact on health since vitamin D plays an important role in bone health and even mental health.

B vitamins are another common concern. Though they're relatively abundant in food, several factors such as stress, caffeine consumption, certain medications, and excessive alcohol consumption can deplete them, so fortification is still a good idea for many people.

All these vitamins and minerals make it easier to get your essential micronutrients in, even if you're temporarily eating at a slight caloric deficit for weight loss.

The Bottom Line

Healthy eating is all about having the right foods on hand. 

As the wise saying goes: "If you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail". Giving yourself a quick and healthy option like Forever Ultra Lite Vanilla can be the difference between feeling good about a protein-rich balanced snack, or feeling frustrated with yourself for relying on processed convenience foods once again.

Look great and feel great with Forever Living Products Ultra Lite.


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Embark on a Journey of Health, Financial Freedom and Success

As I can attest to with my story, this Forever Living business opportunity can open up doors you would never have imagined. Whether you're tired of your 9-5 office grind and looking for financial independence or you're simply in search of flexible supplemental income, becoming a Forever Business Owner could be a life-altering decision full of potential.

Building a Forever Living Business puts you in the driver's seat of your life. Through hard work and determination, you can build a flexible lifestyle with financial independence all while sharing your passion for health and wellness.

You'll get the chance to work with other like-minded people and make life-long relationships. This support network will help you grow your business and achieve things that seemed unthinkable before.

We don't get to choose our life circumstances and we may face plenty of obstacles along the way, but the one thing that makes Forever Living Business Owners successful despite all this is simply determination. With hard work, ambition and a willing attitude, your dreams could be much
closer than you think.

Get to Know the Forever Living Family

If you're not familiar with the Forever Living company itself yet, here's a brief recap. Forever Living was started in 1978 by Rex Maughan, a man who wanted to change the way health and wellness products are sold.

He first sourced the best natural aloe vera available and began to develop unprecedented natural products for good health. What came next was just as intriguing. Instead of using the traditional methods of getting his products out to the public (ie. advertising), he decided to let the effectiveness of the products speak for themselves, essentially by word of mouth.

He gathered up some close family and friends to introduce his products to, and this is how the very first Forever Living business owners began their journey. They were so enthused about the products that earning a commission on their sales was truly just an added benefit. This cycle of person-to-person sales has continued to this day, and it makes Forever Living a truly unique brand full of opportunity.

The company has now grown into an international business in over 160 countries with a net worth in the billions. The exciting part is that you're too able to take part in using, sharing, and selling these life-changing wellness products. The results truly do speak for themselves.

How to Get Started With Forever Living 

If you're ready to join Forever Living UK and buckle up for the adventure of a lifetime, I’m on a mission to follow in my mum‘s footsteps and to help even more Forever Living Business Owners on their path to success. There are thousands of Forever Living Business Owners across the globe thriving with this lifestyle, and you could be next.

Get in contact with me to determine if a Forever Living job is right for you and for information on how to start a Forever Living Business. Good things never come easy, but I can personally attest that the reward is well worth the process. I’ve committed to leading a growing team of FBOs into a new chapter of Forever Living in the UK where community and resilience thrive.

Join me on this journey of transformation. Your health, your wealth, and your future are counting on you. The path to financial independence and entrepreneurship is always more fulfilling with community, and there's no stronger community than the Forever Living family.

Are you ready to embrace a future full of possibilities? Learn how to join Forever Living UK by first filling out a Forever Living application form.

Get in touch to start your Forever Living Journey with me today. It's time to write your own legacy story.


Start Now 

Come and Say Hello!

Some of our London Team host a regular monthly meeting at
FORA, 180 Borough High St, London SE1 1LB

There is a showcasing of our product range, an open aloe bar for guests & presentations on the history, current News & future of the entire UK FLP business!

Everyone is welcome and it’s free to attend!

If you’d like to know more about this event you can fill out the contact form above and we will get in contact with you about the details. Or anything you wish to know.

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